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2022年xford-CityU Centre for Cerebro- Cardiovascular Health Engineering (CoCHE)招聘公告
发布时间:2022-05-19 16:10:50 浏览:0
Supervisor: Prof. Jianbo Tang
Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Southern
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Shih-Chi Chen
Dept. of Mechanical and Automation Engineering, The
We have immediate post doctor openings in the areas of optical coherence tomography (OCT), light microscopy, spectroscopy, and ultrafast laser applications in the Oxford-CityU Centre for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Health Engineering (CoCHE). (Compensation: HK$ 32,000/month + medical insurance/fringe benefits. Salary may be raised annually based on performance.) Inquiries and applications should be directly sent to Prof. Jianbo Tang (tangjb@sustech.edu.cn) and Shih-Chi Chen (scchen@mae.cuhk.edu.hk).
About CoCHE: The University of Oxford and City University of Hong Kong Center for Cerebro- cardiovascular Health Engineering (OCCHE), co-hosted with Karolinska Institute, proposes to bring together world-class researchers from leading international institutions with the grand goal to collaboratively develop ground-breaking health technologies, ranging from wearable medical devices, biosensing, medical imaging, and artificial intelligence (AI)-based prediction and diagnostic systems to intelligent therapeutic devices, in order to tackle large-scale cerebro- cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) – the society’s current most pressing health challenge. The mission of the OCCHE is, working closely with the
项目简介:牛津大学、香港城市大学联合成立的 Oxford-CityU Centre for Cerebro- Cardiovascular Health Engineering (CoCHE),与 Karolinska 研究所共同发起:针对大规模脑心血管疾病(CVD)的研究项目(OCCHE),涵盖从可穿戴医疗设备,生物传感,医学成像和基于人工智能(AI)的预测和诊断系统到智能治疗设备。 OCCHE 的使命是通过与香港政府、世界领先的大学、行业和医院紧密合作,在大湾区建立一个健康技术的生态系统,该生态系统不仅产生创新的技术,而且将其快速有效地转化为商业用途。
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